Our mission is to improve quality of life through routine and affordable chiropractic care.
Compass Family Chiropractic is committed to helping people of all ages maximize their health and wellbeing through gentle, specific chiropractic care.
Same day appointments available
Dr. Patrick Sallarulo
Dr. Ed Cordovado
Dr. Ken Muller
Dr. Jessica Verdun
Chiropractor serving the Atlanta area.
Serving Metro Atlanta with Happy Healthy and Holistic Chiropractic Care
Join Wellness Moms Group:
Corrective Chiropractic is voted one of the best Chiropractic centers in Georgia with 5 locations around Atlanta.
Peachtree City Chiropractor, Dr. Linda Katz of Fayette Chiropractic Center, a Peachtree City Georgia chiropractic clinic.
July 4th Week Hours